Company Announcement number 65 - 2008
Auctions of bonds to fund FlexLån®
Realkredit Danmark holds an auction on mortgage covered bonds for the refinancing of FlexLån®.
The auction of 1-year mortgage covered bonds as well as 3-year and 5-year mortgage covered bonds will be held in equal portions over ten trading days from Monday, 1 December, through Friday, 12 December 2008. For the remaining securities identification codes the auction will be held on Tuesday, 9 December 2008.
Mortgage covered bonds to be issued by Realkredit Danmark to refinance FlexLån® at 1 January 2009 will form the basis for the auction.
The preliminary amount of bonds to be auctioned will be announced during November. The amount of mortgage bonds to be auctioned will be announced no later than 2 December 2008.
Any additional questions should be addressed to Senior Dealer Søren Gravgaard, phone +45 45 13 20 19.
The Executive Board