The annual general meeting of Realkredit Danmark A/S will be held on Monday, 6 March 2017 at 9 am at Lersø Parkalle 100, DK-2100 København Ø, with the following agenda:
1. Submission of the annual report for adoption.
2. Proposal for discharge of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board of their liabilities.
3. Proposal for allocation of profits or cover of losses according to the adopted Annual Report
4. Proposal for the general meeting to empower the Board of Directors to distribute extraordinary dividend.
5. Proposal for change of the statutes par. 25 – rule of binding signature
6. Election of members for the Board of Directors
7. Appointment of state-authorised public accountants
8. Any other proposals or issues brought forward by the Board of Directors or shareholders.
The Executive Board
For further information, please contact Henrik Blavnsfeldt, Senior Vice President, on +45 45 13 20 76.