Today, at 10.00am, Realkredit Danmark A/S held its annual general meeting at Lersø Parkalle 100, DK-2100 København Ø.
The agenda was with the acceptance of the shareholder extended with two new items, item no. 4 and 5.
Item 1 Submission of the annual report for adoption
Annual Report 2019 was adopted.
Item 2 Proposal for discharge of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board of their liabilities
A resolution to discharge the Board of Directors and the Executive Board from their obligations was adopted.
Item 3 Proposal for allocation of profits or for the cover of losses according to the adopted annual report
The general meeting approved the proposal to pay a dividend for the year of DKK 4.300 million to the shareholder.
Item 4 Proposal for the Realkredit Danmark Remuneration Policy 2020
The proposal was adopted.
Item 5 Adoption of the remuneration of the Board
The proposal for the fee to the Chairman of the Audit Committee of DKK 200.000 was adopted.
Item 6 Election of members to the Board of Directors
Berit Behring, Jakob Groot and Kim Andersen had prior to the general meeting expressed their wishes to resign.
The general meeting therefore re-elected
Jacob Aarup-Andersen, Member of the Executive Board of Danske Bank
Carsten Rasch Egeriis, Member of the Executive Board of Danske Bank
And elected
Claus Harder, Global Head of WM Banking
Line Munkholm Haukrogh, Senior Vice President, Head of Digital Banking
Jesper Koefoed, Professional Board Member
The board also has three members elected by the employees:
Lisbeth Sahlertz Nielsen, Relationship Manager
Majken Hammer Sløk, Chiefconsultant, cand. polyt.
Anna-Marie Mikkelsen, Specialist Advisor, Real Estate
Item 7 Appointment of state-authorised public accountants
The audit firm Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was appointed for a one-year term as the auditor of Realkredit Danmark.
Item 8 Any other proposals or issues brought forward by the Board of Directors or shareholders
Meeting of the Board of Directors of Realkredit Danmark A/S
At the meeting of the Board of Directors of Realkredit Danmark A/S held immediately after the general meeting Jacob Aarup-Andersen was appointed Chairman and Carsten Rasch Egeriis was appointed Vice Chairman. The Audit Committee has Jesper Koefoed as Chairman and Claus Harder as member.
The Executive Board
Please contact Jacob Elverum, General Counsel, on
+45 45 13 20 11 if you have any questions.