Company Announcement number 76 – 2008
Terms and conditions for the auctions of bond series 10S and 10Q
As earlier announced Realkredit Danmark will hold an auction on mortgage covered bonds for the refinancing of FlexLån® in series 10S and 10Q over ten trading days from Monday, 1 December, through Friday, 12 December 2008.
In November Realkredit Danmark will successively announce the preliminary amount of bonds to be auctioned. The amount of bonds will change until the auction to the extent of forward rate agreements entered into, prepayments or shift in the loan profile of the FlexLån®.
The preliminary amount will announced in the present announcement and in an announcement on Tuesday, 25 November 2008. The final amount of mortgage bonds to be auctioned will be announced no later than 2 December 2008.
The preliminary amount of bonds to be auctioned and the exact terms and conditions of the auctions are set out in the appendices to this announcement. (pdf 78 kb)
Any additional questions should be addressed to Senior Dealer Søren Gravgaard, phone +45 45 13 20 19.
The Executive Board