Company Announcement number 18 – 2009
Extraordinary general meeting of Realkredit Danmark A/S
Realkredit Danmark A/S will hold an extraordinary general meeting on Friday, March 20, 2009, at 10.00am at the address Parallelvej 17, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, with the following agenda:
- The Board of Directors requests that the general meeting authorise the Board of Directors to allow Realkredit Danmark A/S, until December 31, 2009, to obtain a loan in the form of hybrid core capital up to the limit possible, under the Danish Act on State-Funded Capital Injections into Credit Institutions. Such a loan will be a subordinated bullet loan with no maturity date as specified in the Danish Financial Business Act and may be obtained by issuing bonds or other instruments of debt.
- Any other business.
The Executive Board
Please address any questions to Mr Henrik Blavnsfeldt, Senior Vice President, tel. +45 45 13 20 76.