Today, at 10.00am, Realkredit Danmark A/S held its annual general meeting at Strødamvej 46, DK-2100 København Ø.
1) Presentation of the annual report for adoption
Annual Report 2012 was adopted.
2) Proposal for discharge of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board from their obligations
A resolution to discharge the Board of Directors and the Executive Board from their obligations was adopted.
3) Proposal for allocation of profits or for cover of losses according to the adopted annual report
The general meeting approved the proposal to pay dividend for the year of DKK 2,000 million to the shareholder.
4) Presentation of remuneration policy and remuneration report for adoption
Realkredit Danmark A/S’s remuneration policy and remuneration report for 2012 were adopted.
5) Election of members to the Board of Directors
The general meeting re-elected:
- Mr Tonny Thierry Andersen, Member of the Executive Board of Danske Bank
- Mr Lars Mørch, Member of the Executive Board of Danske Bank
- Mr Henrik Ramlau-Hansen, Member of the Executive Board of Danske Bank
- Mr Kim Andersen, Director
The board also has two members elected by the employees:
- Mr Claus Bundgaard, Credit Adviser
- Ms Lisbeth Sahlertz Nielsen, Senior Corporate Adviser
6) Appointment of auditors
The auditing firm KPMG Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was reappointed for a one-year term as the auditor of Realkredit Danmark.
7) Other proposals made or topics tabled by the Board of Directors or the shareholder
Initial meeting of the Board of Directors of Realkredit Danmark A/S
At the initial meeting of the Board of Directors of Realkredit Danmark A/S held immediately after the general meeting, Mr Tonny Thierry Andersen was appointed Chairman and Mr Lars Mørch was appointed Vice Chairman.
The Executive Board
For further information, please contact Henrik Blavnsfeldt, Senior Vice President, on tel. +45 45 13 20 76.