In connection with the ongoing investigation in the matter regarding alleged price manipulation in 2009 (Company announcement No. 12/2014), the Public Prosecutor for Serious Economic and International Crime (SØIK) has brought an additional accusation against Realkredit Danmark A/S and one of the employees already accused.
The accusation now brought against Realkredit Danmark concerns a matter uncovered by Danske Bank and Realkredit Danmark in an internal investigation conducted at their own initiative. Danske Bank and Realkredit Danmark passed on the results of their investigation, which concerns the same group of people, to the authorities.
The accusation reads:
”for violating section 36 (1) of the Danish Securities Trading, etc. Act, because, as a legal person Realkredit Danmark A/S is responsible for XX, employed by Realkredit Danmark A/S (Securities Trading), having in a telephone conversation on Tuesday, 4 August 2009, disclosed inside information from Realkredit Danmark A/S to YY, employed by Danske Bank A/S (Danske Markets), by stating that on Thursday, 6 August 2009, Realkredit Danmark A/S would, with a listing on Nasdaq OMX, open trading in a new series of 2% bonds for FlexLån® loans, even though this disclosure of inside information was not made within the normal course of the exercise of XX’s duties.”
Realkredit Danmark continues to cooperate fully with the authorities in clarifying this matter.
Realkredit Danmark A/S
Any additional questions should be addressed to Kenni Leth, Head of Group Press Relations,
phone +45 51 71 43 68