Pursuant to § 27a (1) of the Danish Securities Trading Act, Realkredit Danmark A/S hereby publishes repayments as at 4 October 2016. Please find the data in the attached file.
When calculating the repayment cash flows, Realkredit Danmark has previously used the longest possible duration given by the relevant bond in the amortisation of the loans. This has implied that loans with duration shorter than the bond funding the loans in some cases have been amortised using a longer duration than the actual duration. Further, interest only loans have been amortised with a remaining debt at maturity.
Due to this fact Realkredit Danmark has from this report modified the calculation such that the loans are now amortised using their actual duration. Realkredit Danmark is to use the corrected calculation going forward.
For information, a file showing the repayment cash flows without the modification is attached. The file is marked with “_gl”.
Download information
Download not modified file (_gl)
Yours sincerely
The Executive Board
Any additional questions should be addressed to Klaus Kristiansen, Executive Vice President, Asset
Liability Management, phone +45 4513 2026.