The financial sector has a role to play in creating a better environment by providing new funding solutions. Realkredit Danmark launched its first green mortgage bond in March 2019.
Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing our planet and it poses major environmental, economic and societal risks. Consequently, society needs the financial sector to come up with financial solutions that will help limit global warming. At Danske Bank Group, we believe it is imperative that global warming is kept well below 2° C which requires deep emission reductions globally.
Until 1 January 2023, the green mortgage bonds issued by Realkredit Danmark were issued within the Danske Bank Group Green Bond Framework.
This framework:
The terms and conditions contained in the underlying documentation for each issued Green Bond will specify the actual terms of the instruments.
Green Bond Framework
As of 1 January 2023 the Green Bond Framework was replaced by Danske Bank Green Finance Framework
Green Finance Framework
The Green Finance Framework is an update of the existing Framework to ensure closer alignment to the EU definitions of climate mitigating activities. The update includes:
Issuance of Green Bonds in current ISIN's will continue irrespective of the transition from Green Bond Framework to Green Finance Framework.
Since 2018 Sustainalytics has made an annual evaluation of the Danske Bank Group Green Finance Framework and is of the opinion that the Framework is "credible and impactful and aligns with the four core components of the Green Bond Principles 2021 and the Green Loan Principles 2021".
Second Party Opinion on updated Green Finance Framework, November 2022
Second party opinions prepared by Sustainalytics on specific matters:
Second party opinion, March 2020
Commercial properties in Denmark with EPC A and B
Second party opinion, April 2019
Study on commercial properties in Denmark with EPC A-label
Providing green lending to our clients is an important part of our commitment to make a positive contribution to the societies we are part of and would not be possible without our investors. The below reports provide an overview of our green lending developments and the allocation of funds, as well as the estimated positive environmental impact achieved by the use of proceeds from these issuances.
Please find below our ESG reports on Climate change and Society.
ESG report on Climate change, May 2020
ESG report on Society, May 2020
Realkredit Danmark launches the fourth emission report. This year, we renamed the report to Climate Report 2023 as opposed to GHG report in previous years.
The report is based on the principles laid down by Finance Denmark’s “Framework for Financed Emissions Accounting – Principles and methods”. The model is developed in participation with member institutions and in dialogue with several stakeholders and experts from Denmark and abroad.
The 2023 report has incorporated Realkredit Danmark's role in Danske Bank Group's Climate Action Plan, launched in January 2023. Here we set our ambitions- and measure the progress - to support our customers and society at large in succeeding with the green transition and delivering on climate targets.
Please find the reports here:
Do you need additional information or do you have any questions? Please reach out to our Bond Investor Contact Hella Gebhardt Rønnebæk: phone +45 45 13 20 68 or mail