Company Announcement No 27/2022
Today, at 09.00am, Realkredit Danmark A/S held its annual general meeting at Lersø Parkalle 100, DK-2100 København Ø.
With the following agenda
Item 1 Submission of the annual report for adoption
Annual Report 2021 was adopted.
Item 2 Proposal for discharge of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board of their liabilities
A resolution to discharge the Board of Directors and the Executive Board from their obligations was adopted.
Item 3 Proposal for allocation of profits or for the cover of losses according to the adopted annual report
The general meeting approved the proposal to pay a dividend for the year of DKK 3.600 million to the shareholder.
Item 4 Proposal for the Realkredit Danmark Remuneration Policy 2022 and Report 2021
The proposal was adopted on condition that they are approved on the annual general meeting in Danske Bank A/S on the 17 March 2022.
Item 5 Election of members to the Board of Directors
The general meeting re-elected:
The board also has two elected members by the employees:
Proposal for the election of:
The proposal was adopted.
Item 6 Appointment of state-authorised public accountants
The audit firm Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was appointed for a one-year term as the auditor of Realkredit Danmark.
Item 7 Any other proposals or issues brought forward by the Board of Directors or shareholders
Meeting of the Board of Directors of Realkredit Danmark A/S
At the meeting of the Board of Directors of Realkredit Danmark A/S held immediately after the general meeting Glenn Söderholm was appointed Chairman and Mark Wraa-Hansen was appointed Vicechairman. The Audit Committee has Jesper Koefoed as Chairman and Line Munkholm Haukrogh as member.
The Executive Board
Please contact Jacob Elverum, General Counsel, on +45 45 13 20 11 if you have any questions.