Company announcements 2024

Here you can find Company Announcements which Realkredit Danmark has published.

No. Date Announcement  Link
5524 JulyBreakdown of debtors  Read more
5422 JulyPrepayments Read more
 19 JulyInterim report - first half 2024Read more
53 15 JulyPrepaymentsRead more
52 8 July Prepayments Read more 
51 3 July Repayments Read more 
50 2 JulyTrigger ratesRead more
49 1 July PrepaymentsRead more
4826 JuneBreakdown of debtors Read more
47 25 JuneFixing of coupon ratesRead more
4624 JunePrepaymentRead more
45 18 JuneOpening of new fixed-rate bondRead more
44 17 JunePrepayments Read more 
43 10 June Prepayments Read more 
42 3 June Prepayments Read more 
41 29 MayResult of floater auctionsRead more
40 27 May PrepaymentsRead more
39 24 May Drawing rates Read more
38 22 May Breakdown of debtors Read more 
3721 MayPrepaymentsRead more
36 13 MayPrepayments Read more 
35 6 MayFinal auction amountsRead more
34 6 May Prepayments Read more 
333 MayFirst Quarter 2024 Read more
3229 AprPrepaymentsRead more
3124 AprBreakdown of debtorsRead more  
30 22 Apr Prepayments Read more 
29 16 AprTrigger rates Read more
28 15 Apr Prepayments Read more 
27 11 AprPreliminary auction plan Read more
26 8 Apr PrepaymentsRead more
25 5 Apr RepaymentsRead more
24 2 Apr Prepayments Read more 
23 27 Mar Breakdown of debtors Read more 
22 25 Mar Prepayments Read more 
21 22 MarFixing of coupon ratesRead more
20 20 MarAuctions in series 10FRead more
19 18 Mar Prepayments Read more
18 11 MarPrepayments Read more 
17 4 MarPrepayments Read more 
1626 Feb Prepayments Read more 
1523 FebDrawing ratesRead more
14 21 Feb Breakdown of debtors Read more 
13 19 Feb PrepaymentsRead more
12 12 FebPrepayments Read more 
11 9 FebAuction resultsRead more
10  5 FebPrepaymentsRead more 
2 FebFinal auction planRead more
 2 FebAnnual Report 2023Read more
29 Jan PrepaymentsRead more  
724 JanBreakdown of debtorsRead more 
22 JanPrepayments Read more 
516 Jan Opening of new fixed-rate bondRead more
415 JanPrepaymentsRead more
38 Jan Prepayments Read more 
24 Jan RepaymentsRead more
12 Jan Prepayments Read more