Company Announcement No 18/2023
Realkredit Danmark A/S held its annual general meeting at 09:00 today at the address Lersø Parkalle 100, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.
The agenda was as follows:
Re item 1. Submission of the annual report for adoption:
The Annual Report for 2022 was adopted.
Re item 2. Proposal to discharge the members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board from liability:
The proposal to discharge the Board of Directors and the Executive Board from liability was adopted.
Re item 3. Proposal for allocation of profit or cover of loss in accordance with the adopted annual report:
The general meeting approved the proposal from the Board of Directors to pay a dividend of DKK 3,600 million to the shareholder.
Re item 4. Submission of Remuneration Report for 2022 and remuneration policy, version 2023:
The proposal was unanimously adopted subject to final approval of the Group’s remuneration policy, version 2023, at the annual general meeting of Danske Bank A/S to be held on 16 March 2023.
Re item 5. Election of members to the Board of Directors:
The general meeting re-elected the following board members:
Christian Bornfeld, Head of Personal Customers & FC Risk & Prevention
Linda Fagerlund, Head of Commercial Real Estate
Peter Rüdiger Smith, Tribe Lead Buying & Owing Real Estate DK
Magnus Thor Agustsson, Chief Risk Officer
Jesper Koefoed, Managing Director
In addition, the Board of Directors comprises board members elected by the employees:
Majken Hammer Sløk, Chief Consultant, cand.polyt.
Christian Hilligsøe Heinig, Chief Economist
Re item 6. Appointment of auditors:
Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-appointed as the company’s auditors.
Re item 7. Consideration of any proposals from the Board of Directors or the shareholder.
No proposals had been received.
Subsequent board meeting of Realkredit Danmark A/S:
At the meeting of the Board of Directors of Realkredit Danmark A/S held immediately after the annual general meeting, Christian Bornfeld, Head of Personal Customers & FC Risk & Prevention, was ap-pointed chairman and Magnus Thor Agustsson, Chief Risk Officer, was appointed vice chairman. The members of the audit committee are Jesper Koefoed, Managing Director (chair) and Peter Rüdiger Smith, Tribe Lead Buying & Owing Real Estate DK.
The Executive Board
For further information, please contact Helle Meineche, Head of Business Risk & Governance, on tel. +45 21 55 87 42.